I Remember When I Was a Kid...

I've already complained about my mom not letting me go to my first concert until I was 14. (It ended up being Nine Inch Nails of all things. Great parenting, mom.) Now that I'm running the show, sooner or later I'll have decide when I'll allow my kids to do that stuff.
Paige's second favorite band The Ting Tings is coming to town in a few weeks. Should I let her go? She's only three--but she's a pretty mature three. Since Traci won't go with me, I think it only makes sense to take the toddler who knows all the words to "Shut Up and Let Me Go."
Ha ha, a pretty mature 3. Unless the concert is at Chuck-e-Cheese, I would probably make her wait a couple years. But if it happens to be at Chuck-e-Cheese, at least they would have that great backup band.
11:39 PM
Ooh tough one. I took Rosie to her first concerts when she was about that age, but then again I'm a crazy parent. The first big concert the begged and begged for was Kelly Clarkson,which we attended for her 6th birthday. Then we saw NKOTB in October, and we both liked it so much that we're seeing them again in two weeks in South Carolina. I think if your kids got the bug, and you can afford the tickets...why not? I'm still mad at my parents for not letting me go to Duran Duran when I had a #2 wristband.
5:17 AM
You've got to take Paige. She was great during the concert at the Gallivan Center and as far as I can tell she doesn't use any of the new words she learned.
6:05 AM
I'll go! I love them.
5:09 PM
My first concert was also at 14, but it was KISS. So, who wins??
9:13 AM
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