Church clothes
It started with Curtis.
He told me he wanted to wear an undershirt to church because he had a weird button that would open and show off his tummy.
Such a modest fella.
So then, of course, Tate started wearing an undershirt as well. But he had different motivations.
He found that if he wore something under his shirt [usually his red baseball jersey that matches with everything], the sooner he could be out of it.
After a few weeks of his new clothing routine, I noticed something different.

“Tate, why are your pants so puffy?”
He looked at me sheepishly and replied, “I dunno.”
I had my suspicions — which were confirmed about 30 seconds after we got to the parking lot and into our van.
When I looked at Tate in the rearview mirror, he was in church clothes. I blinked and he was in a t-shirt and shorts.
I was impressed by his ingenuity but I said, “Tate, I don’t really think you need to be wearing shorts under your church pants.”
“But I HATE wearing church pants!”
The next week, he heeded my request.
After church, I looked in the rearview mirror again.
Church clothes.
Nothing but underwear.
“What?” Tate asked incredulously. “You told me I couldn’t wear shorts under my pants.”
He had a point.
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