Fair-Weather Fan in Unfair Weather
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Curtis is the epitome of a fair-weather fan.
Curtis is the epitome of a fair-weather fan. (If his team starts losing, he’ll start cheering against them immediately.)
And that’s when the weather itself is fair.
Traci’s dad offered me his Utes tickets for the BYU game and I gladly accepted. I wanted to take Curtis (who has only been to one Utes football game), but I was worried that:
- The 8 p.m. game would be way too late for him
- It would be way too cold
Curtis assured me that he wanted to go the game and he’d stay ’til the end, rain or shine.
We were prepared. Curtis took an afternoon nap. And we headed to the game bundled up from head to toe.
But there’s was something that we weren’t prepped for: The Utes absolutely blowing it.
When the Utes went into halftime down 20-0, all bets with Curtis were off.
“Can we go home?” he asked.
“Listen, Curd. The Utes aren’t doing so good right now. But if they end up winning this thing, you will have witnessed one of the best comebacks ever.”
He was unconvinced. (And, honestly, so was I.)
Things didn’t get much better in the third quarter. We were cold, the Utes were sucking, and it was really late.
We figured the best thing to do was a buy a 10:30 p.m. hotdog.
And that’s when things turned around. Utes scored 28 unanswered points to win the game.
Suddenly it didn’t feel so cold or so late. And Curt’s grumpy face turned into his (creepy) happy face.
Not a bad night for a kid’s first BYU-Utah game.