Hanging on to Summer
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Fall is Utah is fantastic. But it’s fickle. It can stay warm until November or turn into winter in October.
Spring is equally unpredictable. It can start in February or hide until May. Winter can be mild or heavy but it’s always depressing.
Summer’s the only season you can trust. It’s hot and dry and filled with hamburgers and holidays. And it’s worth hanging on to.
We always like to sneak down to St. George in the fall in effort to grab one more weekend of summer.
The temperature was perfect for a trip to the sand dunes at Snow Canyon with the cousins.
It was just warm enough to swim in the pool and way too cold to play in the splash pad ‐ but kids never seem to mind.
We watched the Broncos, the Red Sox, and the Utes, and even made it to a Dixie High football game.
Not pictured: Tate, who had to stay home after hitting Paige in the face and giving her a bloody nose. Argh.
I got to read and nap and sit in the bathtub (often all at the same time!). Traci got to see some friends and take a little vacation from being sick. Paige got some new school clothes (plus a new swimsuit because we forgot to pack one).
The boys got to watch their first hot dog eating contest (Curtis’ commentary: “If it was pizza, I could probably win”) and get haircuts at Sports Clips. Curtis wanted his cut high and tight. Tate wanted “the kind where you cut the front just a little, but the back part is long.” I explained that a haircut can’t actually make your hair longer but ensured him he could start working on his mullet as soon as we got back to Salt Lake.
It’s been real, summer. Hope you come back again next year.
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