The Amazingly True Story of Gerry’s Giant Pickle

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I have a friend named Gerry.
When he smiles like this, he kinda looks like this.
And when he dresses up for Halloween, he looks like this.
He’s a double black belt in Aikido, which means he could easily kill a guy, if he wasn’t such a pacifist.
He’s also the best gardener I know.
So when I saw this amazing story about a sandwich shop in New Jersey (somehow I thought it was in Chicago) that uses ginormous pickles as the bun…
…I decided I had two choices:
- Fly to New Jersey and buy one
- Ask Gerry to use his skills to make me one
I went with the latter. And because Gerry is a wonderful person — and always up for a challenge — he said yes.
Here’s how he made it happen.
After all the work of creating the beautiful thing, there was just thing left to do: Eat it.
Was it delicious? Yes.
Were there things we would do differently next time? Of course. (We probably should’ve let the pickles dry a little bit so they weren’t so slippery. But otherwise fantastic.)
Should Gerry quit his job and open a sandwich shop called Gerry’s Giant Pickles? Absolutely.
Thanks to Gerry for making all my wildest pickle dreams come true.